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Why the Law? Hint HInt, it starts with a "J" and ends with "esus"

Posted by Pastor Christopher Hull on

In his work against Desiderius Erasmus' theology of free choice, "The Bondage of the will," Luther wrote concerning the law and its purpose asserting, "When sins are unrecognized, there is no room for a remedy and no hope of a cure, because man will not submit to the touch of a healer when they imagine themselves well and in no need of a physician. Therefore, the law is necessary to make sin known so that when its gravity and magnitude are recognized, man in his pride who imagines himself well may be humbled and may sigh and gasp for the grace that is offered in Christ" (LW 33.262). 

If we think that we can keep the law, meaning both outwardly and from the bottom of our heart, outside of faith in Christ, then the law has not done its work on us. The law reveals the guilt of sin and leaves us conscience stricken. The law works to bring all our excuses, justifications, and pride to a halt in order that Jesus may be our righteousness and justification. The law is preached to bring the sin out, to reveal that we ain't all that and a bag of chips. The law is preached to show that we fail at being righteous. For the righteous, this is a blessed thing that brings us to a stop and calls us to repentance and forgiveness in Jesus. So, the law is preached to the end that Jesus be handed over to sinners who need a Savior. 

The law is preached so that Jesus can do all the work for our salvation. Our works cannot salvation gain, they merit only endless pain, Forgive us Lord, to Christ we flee, Who pleads for us endlessly, Have mercy Lord, as we sing in the Catechism hymn. The law shows us that our works cannot save us, but rather that Jesus' work on the cross saves us for in that work Jesus died our death under the curse of the law. So, my friends, I pray the law works on you to bring everything to a halt so that Jesus alone stands as your trust and confidence in your salvation. The law is preached so that Jesus can be everything for you. The law is preached so that Jesus may be the one that keeps the law for you. The law is preached so that you may know that Jesus is your sole means of forgiveness and that your salvation is not by your merit, but according to the mercy of Jesus. What does this mean for you? Well, it means you can be at peace because Jesus has your salvation under control and your eternal life is in His hands. Jesus does all the work for you. May this put your conscience at ease and your mind to rest in order that you may continue to soak up all the grace of Jesus until you are ushered into the eternal dwellings. 

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adan be drowned anew so that you hear only the peaceful voice of your Savior Jesus who says, "I forgive you. I love you. I claim you as My own forever," Amen.

Jesus' Sheepdog,

Pastor Hull

Tags: bondage of the will, jesus, law, luther

